Manipulation / Distraction / Fear ... 1

Manipulation / Distraction / Fear 

A powerful combination. 
At work in many aspects of our lives everyday. Fear of not having enough, fear of not being enough, fear of being too much, fear of not belonging, fear of missing out, fear of not looking the way we should …
A couple of days ago, I read an article in the Guardian about a couple who were living “in the wild” and how the woman said, that they never meet other women only men, and that she thinks that women are even more disconnected from nature then men are … Wait, are we blaming women again? For not being in touch with nature? Well, surprise, surprise, we aren´t, or so many of us aren´t anymore. Aren´t we told from a very early age that the very natural thing we live in is something we need to be ashamed of, something bad and big and smelly and hairy that needs to be modified, starved, hidden, shaved, decorated, painted over and put into clothes that will /hide/show exactly what other people (men) want  us to show or hide, or both but at different moments of the day. We are told what to wear and these clothes are never comfortable of practical or beautiful in a wild and free way, but constrain us, they itch, they aren´t made for our bodies but against out bodies, they are of materials that poison the environment and eventually us, we are told to cover our faces in paint, in chemical substances, to paint over everything that makes us look adult, to chemically modify and destroy our skin and hair, to forcefully remove anything that might remind us of that bodies age, mature … We are told to wear shoes in which we can´t walk without forever hurting and … our feet, in which we cannot run, nor walk away quickly, not feel connected to the earth and strong. And when we don´t conform we are being ridiculed, bullied, fired … and if we conform we are the stupid women who spent too much time in from of the mirror or dieting or exercising like crazy or puking or shopping for things we don´t need.
Imagine all the time we would have if we didn't´t conform to this utter bullshit, if we dressed for ourselves, the way we like it, in clothes we feel good in and not look the way we have been brainwashed to like, bullied into believing we want to look, what if we didn´t spend our money on chemicals that ruin our skin and hair and on clothes cheaply made by other women in slave like conditions in other countries. 

What if we said: enough, I make my own rules.
